Saturday, May 16, 2015


Luis Gerardo "Jerry" Lobo Avila, Amsterdam, NY - 1964

Our father came to the United States from Costa Rica in 1964, we lost him in 1994. We now have a third generation, born in the US, and proud of their ancient heritage.  

America regenerates with every birth and every immigrant that enters the country.  

NECO sponsors the Ellis Island Medals of Honor which are presented annually to American citizens who have distinguished themselves within their own ethnic groups while exemplifying the values of the American way of life. 
Past Medalists include six U.S. President, one foreign President, Nobel Prize winners and leaders of industry, education, the arts, sports and government.  And, of course, everyday Americans who have made freedom, liberty and compassion a part of their life's work.

Luis G. Lobo in Costa Rica - 1969
Familia Lobo in Charlotte, NC 1990

Natalia Lobo, Debbie Lobo, Martha Lobo, Marta S. Lobo, Andres Lobo and Carlos Lobo

Dinner after medal ceremony at Ellis Island Great Hall

Carlos and Sinclair at BB&T table

Andres Lobo, BS University of MD and Felicia Lobo, BFA New York University
The grandchildren of Gerardo and Marta Lobo

FIREWORKS on a foggy night

Carlos and Luis at TWA Terminal at JFK - port of entry 1965

World Trade Center

Brooklyn at the Bedford

Jersey Boys

Buena Pizza close to Empire State Building

                                             This is the land of the free and home of the brave

In the final analysis, your attitude determines your effectiveness in everything, every time! LGL www.LuisLobo.Biz