Friday, May 04, 2018

On Leadership.......

Question 1

- What is the book or books you’ve given most as a gift and why? What are 1 to 3 books that have greatly influenced your life?  How/Why have they influenced your life?


  1. Over time:   A Nation of Immigrants by President JFK – tells the immigrant story we all shared and share.
  2. Many times: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand – it was a primer for my immersion into Objectivism.
  3. ALL time:    Get the Best from Yourself by Nido Qubein (1983)


Recently “Brown is the New White” – only distributed to RMBO’s:  Political parties need to focus on the brown population instead of democratic white voters (they are no longer the swing voters); also a great up to date on race in America.


Of course, my book “It IS Your Attitude” has been widely distributed over the last 10 years.  I have gifted the book to YMCA’s  Latino Achiever groups at WSPS and individuals being naturalized when I have given the address.


Question 2

How has a failure, or an apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a "favorite failure" of yours? How did you use it to learn and improve?


My entire life has been to throw myself at the unknown and learn along the way (Failing UP).  DC was very hard, notably after 2007.  I took the chance on my career failing as opposed to my family suffering by not moving into the district (commute 5:30 AM home 8:30 for 6 years). Looking back, I realize that what we built was a BB&T cultured region; after I left came the collapsing of NOVA and FFX into GWDC Region. Huge learning experience that DC was no different than any other market, just bigger; I would have begun dealing with non-performance during year one.


Question 3

- If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it -- metaphorically speaking getting a message out to millions of people -- what would it say and why? 


“Say good morning, or hello, and/or thank you to everyone you come into contact with every day – you will feel more engaged and so will THEY”.


Question 4

- In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life? How has it improved your life?  How did you make time to put it into place in your life?


7 years has been a complete submission to my physical health.  I do not miss a workout, every day first thing in the morning.  It has reduced needless anxiety, proved that I can control something, and allows me to think more clearly, I think….

Question 5

- When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful, what questions do you ask yourself?) How did you discover that this was helpful?


My Dad taught me: 


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference



In other words:  Smash into the things you can change, now.  Those I can-not change, maybe I can influence….


 Luis G. Lobo

In the final analysis, your attitude determines your effectiveness in everything, every time! LGL www.LuisLobo.Biz