Saturday, January 31, 2009

Why detachment brings regret....

Upon the passing of a professional acquaintance become friend I passed on the obituary to another peer in the financial education world, his comments:I, too was stunned by the passing of Joe. Through his press release, I am reminded of the many things we don't know about the people with whom we interact on a regular basis. For example, I did not know that Joe graduated from the University of Georgia, my Alma mater. I did not know that Joe was a native of Georgia, my home state. I did not know that Joe had done a degree in Journalism at UGA,as I did. I did not know that he had worked for so-and-so, an old colleague of mine, against whom I had managed a congressional campaign for a loosing opponent back in 1976. Joe and I had so many apparent connections and I never knew of a one of them. What fun we could have had talking about those connections! It just shows how important it is to truly "connect" with our various business and social associates. Otherwise, we may never experience the unique pleasures to be found with our fellow travelers.
Peace be with you, my friend.....

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